Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Simpsons - 24x05 - Penny Wiseguys

     A new character is introduced, who is the accountant for Fat Tony's mob.  Tony has to do jury duty, and this guy is put in charge.  Since Tony wants him to cut the budget, this involves possibly killing some of the mobsters.  Homer helps out in preventing the accountant from doing this.  Meanwhile, Lisa is introduced to eating insects for protein.
    This is seriously one of the strangest episodes that The Simpsons has ever done.  And they've done some strange things.  The live-action guest star with Katy Perry and Simpsons puppets?  This is weirdest episode in terms of structure.  The episode centers almost exclusively on this new character.  Homer's role is mostly trivial.  Lisa's B-story is amusing, but it seems like more of an effort to pad out the running time.
    As a standard sitcom episode, there's nothing wrong with this one.  But as a Simpsons episode, I fail to see how it qualifies.  It's more like another show with a Simpsons cameo.
    The one thing I liked was Homer's delivery of the line "I'll fix that later."  It sounded simultaneously exhausted and determined.

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