Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Simpsons - 22x11 - Flaming Moe

    Smithers and Moe team up to turn Moe's into a more accepting gay bar - one that doesn't exclude the less attractive gay patrons.  The problem is that the patrons think that Moe is one of them.  In the meantime, after Mr. Largo leaves Springfield Elementary, a substitute music teacher is brought in, Ms. Juniper.  She's kind of a hippie, and Skinner gets into her free spirited nature.
    I know I've watched this episode at least once before, probably twice, and I know I enjoyed it.  This time, I still liked it, but I felt a little like the jokes were a little too stereotypical.  I think that's intentional though, since most of the joke is about how little Moe understands gays and gay culture.
    I don't care for the Skinner plot, although it has a few nice moments.  Ms. Juniper's daughter is very fun, and it's good to see Bart try to be nice to someone as peculiar as her.  And I like seeing Skinner having confidence.  The misdirection with Chalmers is great.

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