Monday, November 12, 2012

American Dad - 8x03 - Can I Be Frank With You?

    Francine is annoyed that Stan spends time with a bunch of guys on certain days.  She decides to disguise herself as a man, and spend time with Stan undercover.  Steve has a boy band, which gets rolled into a huge boy band.
    Again, the B story outshines the A story.  But in this case, the A story was still pretty good.  There were a few inspired gags, including the incredibly long fart gag.  The sausage gag was fantastic, and was only made better by Patrick Stewart's incredible work.
    But the B story is just such a great idea.  I'd rather that they spent a whole episode working on this premise.  Steve is part of a boy band called Boyz 12.  We only get to see one video that they make, which is such a joy to behold.  I've watched it several times.  To be honest, I didn't care for the ending of this plot, since it seemed like they were just a little desperate to tie off the story.

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