Saturday, November 17, 2012

Star Trek: The Next Generation - 4x26 - Redemption Part 1

    Picard is continuing his duties to name the next leader of the Klingon High Council.  Worf gets involved in an effort to clear his family name.  There are two competing houses looking to take control of the Klingon empire, and Picard is trying to avoid getting the Federation involved in a war.
    I still don't like all of the Klingon political stuff.  It's never as horrible as I think it will be.  And this episode is written by Ronald D. Moore!  How could it be bad.
    It's not exactly bad, but it isn't all that great either.  I liked the scene between Picard and the two Klingon women.  But there's this absurd, overly dramatic approach to these episodes, where everyone talks slowly, and with as much gravitas as possible.  As as result, I think around 18 minutes in, I was checking the timer.
    At least the episode has a pretty good cliffhanger - Worf resigns from Starfleet, we get a nice sendoff, and we see the Romulan version of Tasha Yar.  So those are pretty interesting developments.

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