Monday, November 5, 2012

Star Trek: The Next Generation - 4x24 - The Mind's Eye

    Geordi is on a shuttle, off to his vacation.  He is captured by Romulans, who go through the process of brainwashing him to act as an assassin.  Meanwhile, the Enterprise is off investigating accusations that the Federation is aiding some secessionist rebels who want to leave the Klingon Empire.  Obviously, both of these plots tie together closely.
    This was a type of episode I normally wouldn't like.  I don't care much for the relations between Kingons, Romulans, and the Federation.  But this episode was much better than I expected.  While it seems like it would play out as a standard brainwashed assassin story, they added a late-game twist, and the questions about how things were going to play out never stopped.
    The story is also vague about exactly what kind of role Geordi is playing during the episode.  It isn't clear if he is aware of his actions, or if he is just going through motions that he doesn't understand.
    I had one complaint about the episode, and that was Geordi's visor-vision.  This made no sense at all.  His perception of the environment was just absurd.

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