Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Simpsons - 2x06 - Dead Putting Society

    Homer gets angry with how much better Flanders' life is, and decides he wants to show him up by having Bart beat Todd at a mini-golf tournament.
    I've been listening to commentaries for the first few seasons, and when I talked about this episode, Cathy didn't remember it.  She remembered a few gags from it, but the main plot didn't sound familiar.  The second season of The Simpsons is a really interesting one.  Much of the animation and designs had been smoothed out enough that it looks close to being 'right.'  But the characters, particularly secondary ones, had not yet been fully defined.  Flanders isn't on target yet, since he drinks beer, and doesn't mind wearing a dress, saying that it reminds him of his fraternity days.
    The mini-golf holes are wonderful designs.  And Bart gets some great scenes with Lisa, who preps him for his tournament.  This was something that the commentary mentions - that the giant ape on the golf course, despite being obviously designed to look like Homer, is something that they got complaints about.  People thought it was too scary, and they thought it would eat Maggie.
    The commentary also points out that Homer is flipping out about everything that happens in the episode.  Every scene has him overreacting to something.

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