Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Big Bang Theory - 6x03 - The Higgs Boson Observation

    Sheldon hires an assistant to look through all of his old notebooks to see if he's made an important discovery that was overlooked.  Amy gets a bit nervous about Sheldon working with this lady, until she sees her flirting with Leonard.  This forces Penny into having to admit her feelings for Leonard.  Howard is still on the space station, and is breaking down.
    I was a bit more indifferent to this episode than I expected, but it's not bad.  In fact, it's usually better when the show doesn't try to find a plot or a task for every character to do.  Raj only has a few lines, but they're all fairly good.  The plots are usually more concrete when they focus on the girls.
    I'm getting tired of Howard in space.  Something seems very forced about the whole plot, and it was actually more fun looking forward to the event than actually seeing it happen.  Shouldn't he have plenty of work to keep him busy?
    I like seeing Penny be forced into making decisions.  She's been too fluid a character, changing her opinions and her relationships to fit whatever the writers feel like, and giving her character a bit of humanity - and weakness - goes a long way to making her more interesting and useful.  I'm always a bit annoyed with the way she treats Leonard as being some kind of pet.

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