Monday, October 22, 2012

The Simpsons - 2x04 - Two Cars in Every Garage and Three Eyes on Every Fish

    After Bart catches a three-eyed fish, a mutation caused by the nuclear power plant, the plant is inspected.  Burns is angry about how much money it would cost to fix the plant, and at Homer's inadvertent suggestion, Burns decides to run for governor.  This drives a wedge between Homer and Marge.
    This was another episode that I rarely saw in syndication.  I noticed a few animation errors, but despite that, the production is remarkably improved over the first season.
    Burns makes an awkward politician, and it's hard to imagine him being even vaguely likable enough to run for office.  It's great entertainment to hear him appease the base by repeating nonsense about getting the government off our backs, or how taxes are too high.

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