Monday, October 8, 2012

Bob's Burgers - 1x06 - Sheesh! Cab, Bob?

    Tina's 13th birthday is coming up, and in order to pay for the special party she wants to have, Bob drives a cab on the night shift after work.  Tina wants to invite the son of the owner of the restaurant across the street, and intends to have her first kiss with him.
    This was a very good episode, especially since the premise doesn't sound that interesting.  I like Tina.  She's awkward, but she's very nice about it.  She doesn't seem to be as embarrassed about herself as other girls would be.  And she doesn't have the same absurd tendencies that her siblings have.  Her desire to kiss Jimmy Pesto, Jr is surprisingly well defined, and there's something sweet about that.
    It's also interesting how there's no clear B-story.  Every aspect of the episode stems from the one event.  Bob gets to meet a segment of the city's nightlife that he didn't know existed.  Bob has his conflict with Jimmy Pesto.  Tina is being taught how to kiss.
    And the episode ends with everything working out fine!  I would normally think there would be an ending that didn't have Tina getting her wish, but it all came together fine.
    The character designs are really getting weirder than usual.  Without his mustache, Bob looks like a Richard Scarry worm, same as his wife.

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