Saturday, October 20, 2012

Star Trek: The Next Generation - 4x20 - Qpid

    Picard is going to give a keynote address on the archeological discoveries of the ruins on a planet.  He runs into Vash, who was his love interest from a vacation he took earlier in the series.  Q shows up, and interrupts Picard's speech, transporting most of the core crew, and Vash, into a Robin Hood scenario.
    This is a guilty pleasure.  I've seen this episode many times, and it's great fun.  There are different costumes, sets.  We get to see Geordi trying to strum a lute.
    Over time, I've come to not care for this episode as much.  It's still good, but it takes a long time to get to the Robin Hood setup.  And the writing seems a little more forced.  There's an exposition-heavy scene early on that seems really sloppy.

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