Sunday, October 21, 2012

The Big Bang Theory - 6x04 - The Re-Entry Minimization

    Howard comes back from space.  Since he's supposed to spend his first day back with Bernadette, everyone else has plans.  The problem is that Bernadette seems to be pretty sick.  Amy, Penny, Sheldon and Leonard play Pictionary, then a bunch of other games.  Raj plans on going to a Sound of Music sing-a-long with Stuart.  Howard's mother is also busy, sleeping with Howard's old dentist.
    Like most episodes of Big Bang Theory, this one was a mix of some good stuff, and some bad stuff.  First, I didn't like Howard in space.  None of those stories were worthwhile.  This just continues in that same vein, giving Howard a string of bad luck with his friends.  But the plot of Amy, Penny, Leonard and Sheldon all playing games was very fun.
    There has been a long-running suggestion that Raj is gay.  Sometime last season, he specified that he is not gay, that he's metrosexual.  I have a hard time buying that, since they've been upping the closeted gay references.  I think I'd be glad to see Raj turn out to be gay.  It might allow them to get past the gag of him not being able to talk with women around.

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