Monday, October 29, 2012

Star Trek: The Next Generation - 4x23 - The Host

    The Enterprise is transporting a negotiator, who has developed a romance with Crusher.  After his shuttle is attacked, it's revealed that his body is actually a host for an organism that is his personality.  Since the existing host body won't survive, the organism is transplanted into Riker's body until a replacement body can arrive.
    Crusher hasn't had too much to do on the show, and this episode focuses almost exclusively on developing her.  I liked this more than I liked the last one, Half a Life, but something still wasn't right.  I think it was mostly that her love interest wasn't worthwhile.  He seemed mildly sleazy, and since we never see them first meet, or have a meaningful conversation, the whole thing seems underdeveloped.
    However, the points that the episode raises about the role that appearance has on love is interesting.  And the final twist - that the new host is a female body - is really an interesting area to explore.  It's a little disappointing that they simply ignore the role that sexual preference has.
    Overall, it's a bit dull.  But it is an interesting idea, and will probably be memorable for that.

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