Sunday, September 9, 2012

Star Trek: The Next Generation - 4x12 - The Wounded

    Picard is tasked with finding and bringing in another Starfleet ship, whose captain has been destroying things in Cardassian space.  The Enterprise brings some Cardassians along to monitor their work.
    The title, and the basics of this story don't sound compelling to me, but the story was handled really well.  We don't get a clear answer as to how justified the rogue captain is in his actions.  He can't offer proof, but he offers an argument that Picard finds worth consideration, but Picard is willing to turn a blind eye to poor actions from the Cardassians, in hope that he can preserve the peace. 
    This episode also develops Miles O'Brien, who has been used occasionally for awhile, but hasn't had a spotlight.  It's nice to have an episode that develops these secondary characters a bit.

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