Monday, September 3, 2012

Star Trek: The Next Generation - 4x09 - Final Mission

    Picard, Wesley, and another guy wind up marooned on a desert planet when their shuttle malfunctions.  The Enterprise is delayed by their efforts to address a distress call that involves some radioactive garbage.
    This was pretty fun, although a little annoying with the number of inconvenient solutions.
    The Enterprise has a hard time using the tractor beam on this freighter of radioactive garbage, since the radioactivity is too high.  After trying, and failing with another solution, they use the tractor beam anyway, and deal with the radiation for as long as they can.
    Why not separate the ship?  Let Data handle the radioactivity, and then the rest of the ship can go off and look for Picard?
    The Picard/Wesley story is fairly enjoyable too.  The other guy is so awkwardly impulsive that it feels a little fake.  And the solution that Wesley comes up with is just ridiculous.  He punches a bunch of buttons on his tricorder, and suddenly, everything works out fine.  I think Star Trek episodes require a solution, not some hocus-pocus hand waving.
    The last bit of conversation between Wesley and Picard made me realize that I think they could have provided a good dynamic if they had been more casually friendly.  If Picard had taken more of a fatherly role, and joked around with him.  That probably would have made Wesley more palatable as well.

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