Monday, December 31, 2012

Star Trek: The Next Generation - 5x12 - Violations

    The Enterprise is transporting three telepathic aliens.  One of them takes a shine to Troi, and mentally rapes her, and she falls into a coma.  There's an effort to figure out what happened.
    Not a very good episode.  Troi is always kind of a pain to watch, but that isn't what derails the episode.  There's no mystery to solve.  The audience knows exactly what happened, and the only mystery is how it is that the crew will learn what we already know.  Those sorts of stories can work, if the script is strong, and if we get to see enough deflection from the villain.  In this story, the villain has one trick up his sleeve, and it was a clever one.  But it comes far too late, and doesn't seem like anything better than a curious plot move.
    I found the dream sequences to be laughable, although that might be my age.  I actually did like seeing the last one, when Crusher remembers identifying her dead husband's body.  A younger Picard accompanies her, which is sort of hilarious, since he has more hair than I've ever seen Patrick Stewart with.

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