Saturday, December 15, 2012

Star Trek: The Next Generation - 5x09 - A Matter of Time

    The Enterprise picks up an odd spacecraft, which carries a guy claiming to be a time-traveling historian.  The Enterprise is on a mission to help a planet stabilize its environment or atmosphere or something.
    I normally like time travel premises for episodes, but I don't care for this one as much.  The episode is reasonably fun.  The guest star hams things up enough to keep things entertaining, but I guess I'm just annoyed at the way it was written.  He's annoying, and entirely unprofessional.  Even if Picard had reason to believe his story, I don't think he would give him such broad access to the ship.  He wanders around the ship, he hangs out on the bridge, he sits in Riker's chair.  This isn't the kind of thing that Picard typically puts up with.
    The ending is also unusually dark.  After his backstory is revealed, he winds up stranded out of his time period.  Wouldn't Picard be a little concerned that this would have messed up the path of time?  Meh.

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