Friday, July 6, 2012

My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic - 1x03 - The Ticket Master

    Twilight Sparkle gets a pair of tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala.  All of her friends want to go, and they each make their case.  Then they each try to do her favors to persuade her.
    This was the first episode after the two-part pilot episode, and it was an excellent way of kicking the season off.  First, we got to see all of the characters get developed a little further.  Their reasons for wanting to attend the gala are perfectly done - they establish core traits for them.  Second, the gala is actually a plot point for the first season.  While the gala isn't mentioned too specifically in many of the episodes, it comes back in Suited For Success, and then the season ends with The Best Night Ever, which covers their experiences at the gala.
    For a kids show, this level of continuity is impressive.  I know it's not impressive for an adult show, but this is a big step in kid's entertainment.
    I didn't expect that I would like this episode as much the second time, but I did.  The episode balances out the characters well, so there was enough time with all of the characters, and no one got neglected.

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