Sunday, August 12, 2012

Star Trek: The Next Generation - 4x03 - Brothers

    Just as the Enterprise is trying to rush to a star base for some medical needs, Data flips out, and takes control of the Enterprise.  He's been called home, to visit his creator.  Of course, Lore has also been called home.
    This episode was a mild disappointment.  The first half of it is fun.  Data outsmarting the crew, and Picard's frustration with his lack of control.  Then once Data reaches his destination, the story just slows down to a crawl.  A lot of this information is interesting, but it plays out so slowly that it isn't satisfying.
    Brent Spiner gets to play Data, Lore, and Dr. Soong.  I enjoy seeing both Data and Lore interact, since Spiner seems to get how to play him right.  Dr. Soong isn't as enjoyable.  I'm not sure exactly what it is, but I think Spiner never got the full character developed in his head.

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