Friday, August 3, 2012

Futurama - 7x08 - Fun on a Bun

    After attending Oktoberfest, Fry winds up stranded in an underground neanderthal world, while Leela blames herself for Fry's presumed death.  Bender works on trying to win a sausage contest.
    The AV Club gave this a kind of middling review, and while I can say that it didn't reach the peak of the best of Futurama, it's a pretty decent episode.  There wasn't anything in it that stood out as being spectacular, like the previous episode's Hermes/Zoidberg ventriloquist act.  But the episode felt uniformly funny.
    I did enjoy how dark the episode seemed to get, when it looked like Fry was falling into the sausage grinder.  And the idea of Leela eating Fry's remains.
    The episodes have fallen into a pattern of trying to provide an emotionally resounding ending by having Fry and Leela kiss.  The payoff just isn't there.  None of them have the heart-wrenching feeling of when Leela says "Please don't stop playing, Fry.  I wanna hear how it ends." during The Devil's Hands Are Idle Playthings.

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